Mitchell Authorises Middleton to Serve as Agent for Society

Ernie Mitchell to Stan Middleton, 5 May 1955, SROWA, 1954/0204/65.
Ernie Mitchell to Stan Middleton, 5 May 1955, SROWA, 1954/0204/65.
While Middleton was setting up the Pilbara Native Society, McLeod was in Perth arranging for the establishment of another company, called Pindan Pty Ltd, to replace NODOM. When McLeod returned to the Pilbara in May 1955, after nine months’ absence, Middleton rushed north to persuade marrngu to stick with the Pilbara Native Society. At a historic meeting at the Bore Camp, Middleton and McLeod vied with one another for the right to manage the group’s affairs.