Arthur Calwell, Deputy Leader of the Federal Labor party and Leader of the Federal Opposition, corresponded with McLeod and intervened on the group’s behalf.

Deputy Leader of Federal Labor Party Intervenes on Group's Behalf
Don McLeod to Arthur Calwell, 10 June 1957

Don McLeod to Arthur Calwell, 10 June 1957, Don McLeod Papers, State Library of Western Australia, MS 1568a/4/088.

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McLeod and Cooperative Leaders Campaign for Aboriginal Rights

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McLeod and cooperative leaders campaigned vigorously for Aboriginal rights during the 1950s through letters, pamphlets, tape recordings and public meetings. McLeod’s correspondents included politicians, unionists, and activists. Citizenship rights and the right of Aboriginal people to access social service benefits were central to this campaign, as this letter to the senior Labor leader Gough Whitlam shows.